Polaroid (2019)

Movie 4 years ago

Polaroid (2019)

Polaroid is styled in the vein of The Ring and Final Destination and centers on a high school loner, Bird Fitcher, who stumbles upon a vintage Polaroid camera. Bird soon learns that the camera houses a terrible secret: whoever has their picture taken by it meets a tragic and violent end. The girl and her friends must survive one more night as they race to solve the mystery of the haunted Polaroid before it kills them all.

Genres: Drama | Horror | Thriller
IMDB Rating: 4.9/10
Runtime: 1h 28m 43s
Release Date: May 2019 (Australia)
Director(s): Lars Klevberg
Stars: Kathryn Prescott, Tyler Young, Samantha Logan
Resolution: 1920x800
Language: English
Subtitle: English
IMDB Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5598292/
Source: .1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-EVO

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